Second Home Visa
Second Home Visa is a visa that offers foreigners the opportunity to move to Indonesia and stay for an extended period. Dedicated to those tired of big city life, the Second Home Visa provides a stay of up to 5 years and can be extended to 10 years.
In addition to the extended stay, another benefit of this visa is that you can use the Second Home Dependant Visa to bring your partner, kids, and parents. This visa is particularly suitable for business people, investors, or travelers who have decided to make Indonesia their second home.
Foreigners can use this VISA for:
- Carry out business and investment activity in Indonesia.
- Bring eligible members of your family.
- Work in Indonesia if eligible (meet the conditions of multiple residence permit activities).
Other benefit of Second Home Visa is the capability of Second Home Visa holders to become sponsors for their families to live in Indonesia, whether they are children, wives or parents, by simply applying for Second Home Dependant. However, there are several conditions that must be met in applying for a Second Home Dependant Visa.
Documents Required from Applicant
- Valid Nationality Passport at least 6 (six) months.
- Proof of living expenses of at least US$ 2,000 (two thousand US Dollars) or equivalent.
- Latest color photograph.
- Statement of commitment that must be accomplished within 90 days after the date of arrival, such as:
- Deposit funds in an account under the name of the Foreigner at a state-owned bank with a value of US$ 130,000 (one hundred thirty thousand US Dollars), or
- Purchase property in Indonesia such as an apartment/flat house with a value of US$1,000,000 (one million US Dollars).
Steps to get your Second Home Visa
- Prepare all requirements needed to apply for Second Home Visa
- Send all documents to E-Visa Bali official contact address
- Our consultant will assist you through the process
- Soon after your Second Home Visa is issued our consultant will send you the visa and you are good to go.
Price: IDR 32,500,000
*All payment transactions performed will be converted to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
Processing Time: 10-12 working days
- The price in this website may change without prior notification.
- The visa application will be started only after receipt of full payment in our company account.
- All documents must be original and valid.
- The visa application processing time begins after the documents are uploaded onto the visa online system of Indonesian Immigration.
- The processing time may be delayed due to error within the immigration online system. This day will not be calculated as a working day.
- Additional requirements may will be requested by the officer during the VISA process.
- Immigration Headquarter office and Indonesian Immigration online VISA app are open from Monday – Friday and service time is from 08.00 – 15.00, except for National Holidays.
- Customers shall comply with the VISA they have during their visit/ stay in Indonesia.
- Any problems and costs arising due to VISA violation is not our responsibility.
- Any rejection or any unsuccessful Visa Application due to change of government regulation is not our responsibility and VISA payment is non-refundable.
Second Home Visa Frequently Ask Question
Second home visa is established for a visitor who plans to have a long-term stay (5 years) and move to Indonesia for non-working purposes such as investment, retirement and tourism activities. Second home visa is also perceived as an alternative for Investment KITAS that has been well known for many years.
Second Home is a new alternative type of stay permit for a long-term stay in Indonesia. It is not exactly the same as KITAS, however, a Second Home visa holder has very similar rights to a KITAS holder, such as the rights for making investment in Indonesia, becoming the sponsor to bring family members to stay in Indonesia, and to have re-entry permit.
Second Home visa is a suitable option for those who want to reside for a longer term stay in Indonesia. This is not limited to only for tourism and retirement visits, but also for future investment activity and to have the ease of bringing family members to stay in Indonesia.
Failure to fulfill the commitment required for a Second Home application means that your visa will be canceled and that you have to leave on the 90th day at the latest
Second home is valid for non-working related activities such as tourism visit, retirement and investment. On the other hand, working is prohibited.
After all requirements are fulfilled and your Second Home Visa has fully been granted, you can be the sponsor of your family member to come to Indonesia. That will be the subject for Family Dependant Visa.
Cancellation of the stay permit such as Second Home or KITAS requires you to do EPO (Exit Permit Only) which allows you to clear your visa status before you can apply for a new type of visa. In short, someone cannot have more than 1 active visa/stay permit at a time during his visit or stay in Indonesia.
Yes, you can. A deposit has its period before you can take it out to your bank account. Once the period is due already, you can move the money to your account and use it. However, it is important to ensure that you have the same amount of balance when you need to renew your Second Home Visa.
One of the advantages of the Second Home Visa compared to the Investor KITAS is that you are not obliged to pay taxes and with the funds you deposit in a government bank, you will receive bank interest every month.
You will get 5 years of stay immediately after your Second Home Visa is issued, and it is extendable for up to 10 years of stay. This visa also makes it easy for you to go in and out of Indonesia without having to worry about this visa getting canceled